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Animals in Hats...part 2

Hopefully you will have read my talk-through the Animals in Hats pt 1 collection. If not, you can do so here.

After I had created part one of this series, I was just so excited and full of ideas for more Animals in Hats. I had always planned to draw another collection, but it did come as a surprise to me that I would be drawing them so soon. A date was made to launch the next collection, and the most intense few months of drawing began.

I designed this series to be slightly differently to the first, with the added addition of an extra size. This new 8"x10" size meant that even if you don't have too much wall space you could give one of the gang a new home.

So without further ado, here's Animals in Hats part 2...


Out of all the ideas that I had for this series, Dorothy is the one that I just had to draw. At the time, the second collection hadn't even been given a date yet, but I decided to squeeze her in and bring her to life all the same. I absolutely adore the final piece and I loved adding in oodles of details to her silk scarf.


This girl came about because of the amazing response that Gordon received in the first part. I just knew I had to draw another cow, and I think pairing her with a slightly simpler hat really lets her pattern and pink nose stand out.

Aurora & Amelia

Aurora was my first festive piece! This collection launched just before Christmas, and this combination had been knocking around for a little while, so it just seemed to be the right time for her to be drawn.

My fox very nearly made it into the first series. I loved the tongue-in-cheek-ness of her wearing the bunny ears and the colours in her fur were so much fun to put together.


Rocket has proven to be one of the most popular pieces in the series. I found that he was surprisingly difficult to pair with a hat, but knew I had to include a racoon (Thanks Lauren for the suggestion!)


This one is my mums fave. She'd named him Harry before I had even finished the drawing, so of course I had to add in the detail of his paper hat being made from the first page of Harry Potter. Any potter heads out there spot it?

Bertie, Jerry and Billie

These three are almost like a series within a series. I think they all stand alone strong - they each have their own characters, but I like them best when they're together.

And now for the part two miniatures...


I think Dale may be the only one to have snuck in a prop into his portrait. With my Grandad keeping a whole bunch of chipmunks when I was growing up, I had plenty of references available. And I think it's becoming clear at this point that I was a Disney kid!

Phoebe, Oliver & Rango

In every single exhibit I have ever done, I have included a bumblebee. We had Reece in part one, so it's only right that we have Phoebe in this part too. (Plus I'd been looking for a good suitor for a viking hat!).

My squirrel, Oliver was just an obvious choice for me. I've drawn squirrels a lot before, so naturally he became part of the club.

Rango is a little different from all of the fur that's going on in the rest of the collection, his cool cowboy hat earning him, of course, the name Rango.

Phoebe / Oliver / Rango


Sold before she was even hung up on the wall, Ruby was one of my favourite pieces in this series to draw. Her delicate and tiny feathers being quite the challenge but I am so pleased with the end result.

And that's a wrap. The whole 2019 Animals in Hats team. Many of these you may have seen over on my Instagram or facebook, but there are a few new faces here to those of you who couldn't make it to the exhibit in Norwich.

I have absolutely loved reading the comments and messages as you have seen each piece. I can never thank you enough for liking, commenting, sharing and purchasing my pieces. It means I get to live my dream of being an artist.



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